UC Davis Health

We worked with UC Davis Health, the nationally ranked medical center and the Sacramento region’s only academic health center on two projects.

In the first project, we produced informational videos for expecting mothers that aim to save babies’ lives. The second project promotes the next generation of advanced practice providers.

  • Pre-Production
    • Producing
    • Research & development
    • Script writing
  • Production
    • Directing
    • Filming
    • Producing
  • Post-Production
    • Editing
    • Graphics
    • Producing
    • Scripting
Preventing Infant Deaths Starts With Education
The ask

Babies born too early, very sick or needing surgery go to UC Davis Health’s neonatal intensive care units. They handle the smallest and most delicate patients. The team realized many soon-to-be moms and caregivers don’t know how to do CPR on a baby, put them to sleep safely, or calm them when they cry. Sadly, many babies die every year because of unsafe practices at home.

There was a huge need for new videos that connect with families and teach them how to care for babies safely. We were asked to create three engaging educational videos and translate them into eight languages, including text on screen and subtitles.

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. Arabic
  4. Dari
  5. Pashto
  6. Punjabi
  7. Russian
  8. Vietnamese
The challenge

Translating videos into other languages is no easy task. The voiceover needed to match the tone and style of the original, and the talent needed to be proficient in both the source and target languages.

We had to find the perfect family, including an infant six months old or younger, for the safe sleep and baby soothing videos. We had a tight schedule and needed to cast quickly before filming.

Finding the right home to film at was important. It had to be the ideal location with enough space for filming and visual appeal.

In the video about soothing babies, we wanted to illustrate the harm of shaking a baby’s head using animation. We needed to do this without being too explicit and making sure not to emphasize any specific race when depicting the mother in the animation.

The approach

After various meetings and research, we brought the UCDH team’s wishes to life. Our ultimate goal was for mothers to feel connected to the videos and walk away with the confidence that they could put the practices to work at home. 

We took all the important elements our client wanted to showcase in the videos and produced voiceover scripts and a shot list to outline the approach for each video. We made sure the writing was warm, positive, and easy to understand. 

We worked with multiple teams to successfully translate the voiceover, on-screen text and closed captioning in each of the eight languages. There was a lot of fine tuning to make sure the timing of the edits were just right.

Our team is so pleased that these neonatal videos are giving families and caregivers life-saving information.

Working with the team was a wonderful experience.  They were able to take our abstract vision of educational videos and turn that vision into modern, professional videos in multiple languages.  The videos were more than we could have imagined.  The production team was easy to work with, communicated efficiently and the quality of the final product was outstanding.

Christa Bedford-Mu, RN, MSN, CNS, CCRN, C-ELBW Clinical Nurse Specialist, UC Davis Children’s Hospital

Promoting Next Generation of Providers Impacts Healthcare

The ask

With the success of the neonatal videos, we had the opportunity to take on another project for UC Davis Health. Advanced practice providers had a critical need to fill positions and support up-and-coming providers. They wanted to revamp their orientation and recruitment videos, promote their fellowship program, and highlight key positions. 

They needed 14 people to be interviewed and a total of 11 videos for their website and YouTube channel.

The challenge

The medical center operates around the clock, so there were limited locations available to capture fresh b-roll and film interviews. We had to keep a light footprint and be discreet to avoid disturbing the busy hospital. This was especially critical when we filmed a patient receiving anesthesia in a surgical room.

We were able to capture some fresh footage but we also had to make use of existing hospital b-roll, which was limited. 

The approach

We had several meetings with the advanced practice team to get familiar with their field and understand their need. We also conducted research of our own. This helped our team to create relevant interview questions and conduct the interviews.

We brought in much less equipment than usual to avoid disturbing the hospital. At some locations, we made the best use of natural light. The main priority was letting the hospital run, but also not compromising video quality.

We took great care while filming in the surgical room where maintaining sterility was crucial.

During the editing process, we gave the videos a fresh look while using some existing footage. We chose music that made each video engaging right away. We avoided the typical dull, clinical tone of the video. We really wanted these videos to be enjoyable to watch and educational for the hospital’s audience.


In the end, these videos weren’t just talking heads and b-roll. They were genuine testimonials showcasing why UC Davis Health is a great workplace and how educating the next generation of providers is crucial for community care.

This has been a great collaborative project. We want to thank you for all your hard work.  

Danise Seaters, MS, ACNP-BC Director of Advanced Practice, UC Davis Health